Sunday, December 21, 2014


I am wishing you and yours the most wonderful Holiday!!! 

Me, I've been a busy little bee around here with work, shopping procrastination, WRAPPING, and of course- eating {and drinking}!! 

Whatever holiday you celebrate, and whatever tickles your tastebuds this time of year, I hope you are enjoying all of it with people you love. 

Merry Merry!! xoxo

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Lately, I have felt like absolute garbage. Garbage if you will. I've been eating like crap, drinking like a fish, and not paying attention to anything except work work and more work. I've been overly anxious, overly drugged, and overly bloated. I have had a headache 22/24 hours every day and when my head hits the pillow I literally pass out. Just to wake up 500x overnight, finally settle back in around 4am, just for my alarm to start going off at 5:30.

Snooze. Sleep. BEEP (in the form of "waves" on my iPhone) 5:39
Snooze. Sleep. BEEP  5:48
Snooze. Sleep. BEEP 5:57

 ... ok I'm guessing you get the picture. 

And believe me- this is conservative. This cycle can go on and on and on {luckily, hubbs gets up at some point in between. He probably just gives up on me actually getting up and into the shower.  The poor dude probably gets zero sleep past 5:30am} 

Now, Can you guess WHY this is happening to me? WHY do I feel like crap all the time?? 

I have a few ideas.... 

Stress. Sugar... the S's are killing me. Earth to Coleen- your body is trying to tell you something. Whether I'm gorging on candy stolen from the candy jar at work, or I'm grabbing a quick sub for dinner because both tt and I are home late, the pesky sugar has snuck it's way back into my day, and it's killing me. 

But wait! 

There's good news. 

Clean eating to the rescue!

Now, to make a plan. This weekend, I am committed to getting my thoughts in order, a plan in place. Meals planned, shopping done, food prepped. #noexcuses 

The next time you hear from me, I will be one step closer to healthy. Feeling great about myself. Knowing, and being happy about what I'm putting into my body. And headache/stomachache free! 


In the meantime, check out this new blog I found, and this recipe that looks deeeelish.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Review: beauty department

One of the best things about having a blog that only friends and family pay attention to is that I don't have to have a real focus. While obviously the focus is good primarily, I get to throw in beauty and fashion when i feel like it. I would like to provide a new "it list" for makeup I am loving right now and have a mini review of my go-to foundation 

(My current) Must haves 
- Makeup Forever HD foundation (with HD powder)
- NARS blush
- FAB triple duty eye remedy (w the cool to the touch applicator!)
- e.l.f. Eye widener white pencil 

Foundation tips:
- this is a full coverage foundation- for day  look I use a dampened sponge (I need a beauty blender- for now I use the triable sponges) 
- for a more full coverage look (ie for nighttime, or when I have DIY for weddings I've been in), I use a foundation brush. Way thicker application and more coverage. Love this application.

That's all I have for now. Visit the recipe page for a great paleo recipe! xx

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I have such a love/hate relationship with Sundays. Sunday is the day I plan all my meals for the week, which is always such an exciting activity. Sunday is also the day that I usually get to make the first dinner of the week, after eating out for a lot of the weekend. Sunday is also a day full of football. I personally could care less, but assuming things go well with whatever Fantasy Football players are doing their thing, the hubbs is happy on Sundays.

On the flip side, Sunday ends the weekend, and that is really a drag.

Either way, we had a nice relaxing weekend. Didn't really do much of anything, but that was ok since this week was crazy for him, working super late every night. I had an ok week, but a work event on Thursday night really kicked my butt, so I needed some quiet time. Got ourselves in order for the week, and I'm ready to start getting back on track!

Here's what's on the menu this week:
  • Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology {Chocolate Almond Milk, natural almond or peanut butter, and frozen bananas}
  • Lunch: Zucchini Stew {minus the potatoes} and/or leftover chili since I made that tonight
  • Dinner:
  1. Cajun Shrimp "noodle" bowls
  2. Pork and Sage Stuffed Apples
  3. Steaks with Rosemary roasted beets and carrots
Can't wait to share some of these new Paleo recipes with you!! Check out my very non-paleo experiment from yesterday, below! {Also, let me know what you think of the new page... I think I used to have this background and am not sure why I let her go. I think this is perfectly sassy and of course showing stilettos!} xo

Recipe of the Day

Banana Bread

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Things I've learned recently

Quick update because I'm not bringing my computer home tonight....

Things I've learned recently

The minute you're hitched, the baby questions start

My weekday iced coffee fix costs me almost a thousand dollars a year- for real

Sock buns are a girls best friend

I need lists to survive

People are crazy

Hard work gets you places

I am certain that my lost loved ones are out there floating around making sure I'm ok
{and they let us know they're there every once in a while}

Making dinner makes me happy, even if it's at 8:30pm

Just because it's the way you've always done it, or it's how it has always been, 
that doesn't mean it's working or the only way

I literally love getting manicures 
and don't feel "done" when my nails aren't professionally painted

Three letters: e.l.f.

Sometimes you have to put on your big girl pants and get over it

that's all. xoxo

Monday, October 13, 2014

She's baaaack

Hi my lovelies, I know you've missed me. And now, I'm back! And back with gusto. Whatever that means. 

Man, oh, man- the last few months have been just plain crazy... full of friends, family and FUN. Completely exhausting and yet exhilarating at the same time; a whirlwind but just so wonderful. I am ready for hibernation. And am so happy to have such special memories that are so full of love and happiness from the year. 

Now that the weddings are over, it's time to take back some control in my life and focus on my health (and enjoy some real time with my new hubby!). I'm going to tackle a Whole30- I have gotten so far away from clean eating, and my body feels it. It's amazing how much your body is affected by outside sources such as chemicals, processed foods, sugar. No, it's not easy to eat clean 100% of the time, but since going to Grenada and being wooed by the amazing meals prepared at Sandals, I haven't been able to jump back on the wagon. Well, it's happening now! That being said, I promise to have a lot of new and healthy recipes to post about that are Paleo/Whole30 approved! I did try a new one this past week, which was delightful. Check it out! 

Recipe of the Day

Apple Bison Burger Salad

Friday, September 19, 2014


I promise I will get to the details... But for now, here's this:

Photography: Erin Townsend Photography
Shoes: Manolo Blahnik
Rings: Onyx II
Hair: Alyson Rogers
Makeup: AfterGlow
Flowers: Marian Gannon

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Recipe link

I have made you wait too long- without further ado, here is the recipe for Shrimp and Sweet Corn Gazpacho. Enjoy this on a hot summer evening with someone you love. That's what I did!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

This I promise you

Hello my party peeps- 

Wedding countdown is T-25 days... EEEK!! Got our marriage license today. SO exciting. Finalizing flowers, music, everything. tt's bachelor party is this weekend, my bachelorette is next. Then it's really really countdown time. 

The good news is, because it's getting close, I'm testing out new Paleo-friendly recipes, and want to share with you. When? No idea. For now, you can find one of them over on paleOMG's blog: Sausage Egg Cups. Made these for a mid-morning snack and fell in love. I also had two of them for dinner last night. The avocado is a necessity. Sprinkle a little sea salt over the whole thing, and dig in. 

I need to write up another one that I made - Shrimp and Sweet Corn Gazpacho. Ummmmm yea. That one you'll just have to wait for. 

I prom-prom-promise to be better after this whirlwind is over. 

xs & os

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday things

What's on hand?
What do you always have on-hand in your fridge? IE what dinner can you make when you haven't gone to the market ?! I know, I know, good clean-and-healthy-eaters always meal prep and shop for the upcoming week. But when you don't feel like it... what food do you typically have in the house? Me, I made a Shakeology shake {with frozen banana, chia seeds, and almond butter} but then decided I didn't want it. Meh- throw it in the fridge for later. 

Then I realized among the few things I have in my fridge, I have arugula, a big fat beef steak tomato, 2 pieces of bacon, and dijon mustard. What did I do with this, you ask? I whisked together the mustard with red wine vinegar and a little olive oil. Drizzled that on the arugula, then sliced my big tomato, sprinkled that with Sunny Paris, chopped up bacon, and VOILA. Quick and easy-peasy. And even Paleo. {Haven't tried Sunny Paris? O.M.G. Penzey's knows what to do. This spice is hand-mixed from: shallots, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, basil, tarragon, chervil, bay leaf, and a little bit of heaven}

Tuesday Blues
Do you ever have "Tuesday Blues" ??? I honestly thing I dislike Tuesdays more than I dislike Mondays. Well today, on this Tuesday July 8th 2014, I found the solution to the Tuesday Blues. A lunchtime manicure! This also provides relief for: bride/maid of honor anxiety, eating unhealthy at lunch {just grab a grande, unsweet, iced green tea and granola bar from Starbucks}, and quite possibly is the best lunch break ever. Hot pink with a little sparkle. Girly girl to the max. 

The {vacation} aftermath
Maybe this is contributing to my blues, but last week was our annual July 4th extravaganza in Maine. We change, but the peaceful, beautiful place that is Owls Head remains the same year after year. Our group has shifted from the crazy punk kids we used to be, to bringing the crazy punk kids that my friends have managed to make. 
Aftermath = Auntie is exhausted. 

Wedding Update
  • RSVP's are coming in by the day. We are up to 65 yes's; 4 no's; and still a bunch pending. 
  • tt's stag is next weekend, as is my first dress fitting {weeeeee}
  • Next up to plan: finalize rehearsal dinner menu, order programs, and some other random things
  • Finally got my 4-somethings squared away! {Old = my Nan's wedding ring©; New = my wedding gown; Borrowed = LG's garter from her wedding I was in a month ago; Blue = my "Something Blue" Manolo Blahniks, of course}
  • Down to the wire, under 2 months to go! But still plenty on the horizon... anxiety is on a whole new level. Especially since I'm concurrently working on my BFF's shower which is in 3 weeks. Eek. 

And I think that concludes Tuesday Things. And my monthly post. xoxo

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweating for the wedding

I have so much to share, I just can't seem to find the time! I am starting {...starting?} to get really overwhelmed with life. Wedding plans are coming along ok, but I forgot how much goes into this. Once you check one thing off the list, another five pop up out of nowhere. When one thing goes right, another sixteen things go wrong. We're getting there, slowly but surely, but I'm running out of time! I'm trying to stay positive, despite the hiccups. And sane. I'm trying really hard to stay sane. I think I need to be medicated. No really. 

Currently, we are working to get the invitations printed this week {wee!!!} and trying to finalize the ceremony order and vows. We met with our Officiant over the weekend and he gave us an idea of what he does for the ceremony which is great, but we need to add in readings and the whole Unity Candle Ceremony. Then I need to get my programs ordered. Most of the music has been chosen. Hmm, what else. We need to pick up tt's ring, potentially bring mine back in to be sized, and decide if we are engraving. I just bought a new veil, because I seriously have problems. I'm now also second guessing the jewelry I bought. He seriously might kill me before we even make it to the wedding.

Remember that time I said I think I need to be medicated? I think I need to be medicated and my passwords for Etsy and Paypal need to be changed. Oh, and Pinterest while you're at it. 

Recipe of the day

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


What a weekend it was! Let's recap, shall we?

Mani & Pedi at Bliss Spa with part of the bridal party
Rehearsal/Dinner at Abigail's

Up & at 'em... besties wedding day!
Hair and makeup in bridal suite at Avon Old Farms Hotel
Limo ride to Riverview
Bridal party pics with bride & groom separately
Wedding! {Congrats to the new Mr&Mrs H}
More pictures
Dance dance dance, drink drink drink
Slip in spilled wine, bruise my bum
Dance dance dance, drink drink drink
Flower fight in hotel room
After party back at the hotel bar
Happy meal {hey- this is a judgement free zone}


Sleep in, run to the mall
Shower/pretty, hair/makeup
Wedding! {Congrats to the new Mr&Mrs T}
See people I haven't seen in 20 years
Dance dance dance, drink drink drink
Surprisingly don't fall off my 5" stiletto heels
Dance dance dance, drink drink drink
Get put in the car and driven home due to said drink drink drinking


SO Much fun. That's also two/four down... next up... me&tt

Monday, May 19, 2014

Finding harmony, and getting back on track

I'm so zen right now. I had a spa day yesterday with a glorious massage and QT with the sauna, and did a workshop today that was a focus on finding balance using essential oils for each of the seve. Chakras and the harmony of singing bowls. So yeah... Zen with a capital "Z"

I have to say, though, in addition to the state of relaxation and harmony I am in currently, this has also sparked a bit of interest in this ancient history. Chakra means “wheel”; a vortex of vibration, light and energy. A chakra point is where two lines of energy cross. Chakras are believed to be the "centers of energy" in the body. There are hundreds but seven of them are considered to be the most important. Each center is linked to several aspects of our lives, and issues in the chakra energies may result in issues in these areas of life. Each major chakra relates to a different gland.

Learn where the chakras are located and the state of consciousness they represent. Then pay attention at any given moment to where you are, what you are thinking and where others are. Awareness and understanding is the first step. Do not be harsh or judge yourself or others. Be kind and know that at any moment we can change; we can choose what we put our attention on and what we think. Balancing chakras is a matter of realizing where our consciousness is; what we focus on, where our thought is throughout the day. If we find through observation that we spend much of our time worrying about survival needs (1st seal), emotionally distraught (2nd seal) or in a power struggle (3rd seal), we can intentionally bring balance to our energy body by choosing to spend some time feeling love (towards a pet, a child or a beautiful sunset (4th seal), expressing our truth and our love (5th seal) or meditating/listening for intuition, guidance and inspiration (6th seal). 

Root Chakra
If you spend much of your time thinking about sex your energy will be concentrated in the first seal. This center is located at the perineum, the base of the spine. It is represented by the element earth. Are you... feeling unsafe or insecure? afraid of something? worried about what is about to happen? Focus on the first seal can help alleviate these issues.

Sacral Chakra
This chakra known as the second seal, is located in the lower abdomen. It is related to pain, the emotions (fear, anger, frustration, depression, guilt, hatred, blame, worry, doubt etc…) and the water element. Do you give yourself the freedom to be yourself? Are you... dependent on someone else? feeling obliged or holding back? relying on someone for something and afraid you may not get it? Focus on the second seal can help alleviate these issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra
The third seal is where the victim/tyrant dynamic plays out. It is located in the solar plexus area (just below the sternum and above the belly button). It is represented by the element fire and the color yellow. Are you... worried what someone thinks about you? over analysing something? hiding your true feelings behind excessive sarcasm? being notably pessimistic? worried about the future or in despair over something? lacking in courage? Focus on the third seal can help alleviate these issues.

Heart Chakra
The fourth seal is one of unconditional love, deeply felt yet not expressed in words. In some traditions its color is green and in others violet blue. It is located in the center of the chest, just to the right of the physical heart. The fourth chakra is represented by the element air. It is known as bridge consciousness because it is located in the center, between the upper and the lower chakras; it is the link between the lower states of consciousness and the higher states of consciousness. Are you... having issues in regards to being unconditional? feeling hurt emotionally? facing issues accepting someone or yourself as you are? feeling jealous or bitter about something? lacking in generosity? Focus on the fourth seal can help alleviate these issues.

Throat Chakra
The fifth seal is one of unconditional love... expressed. This level relates to sound, our voice, expressing ourselves clearly and stating our intentions out into the world. It is about speaking our truth. Its location is the neck and is related to the element of space. It relates to the process of manifestation: first, we have a thought- if we want to bring this inspiration into form, at some point we must verbalize this idea. Are you... keeping things to yourself? afraid of the truth? Of speaking it? having trouble doing something you want to do? Do you... feel your opinions can not be voiced? feel that you are not being true to yourself? have something to say, but not sure how to say it? Focus on the fifth seal can help alleviate these issues.

Third Eye Chakra
The sixth seal is the contact point between the mind of God and the individual mind. It is a sending and receiving station; a transmitter and receiver of telepathic communications. This is seen in the individual who is clairvoyant (the ability to perceive beyond the five senses). This chakra is located in the center of the head and is related to the element light. The chakras meditation below as well as many other forms of meditation will strengthen and balance this seal. Are you... having trouble trusting yourself or your intuition? feeling distracted or having problems focusing on something? Do you feel a little lost? Is there something else you would rather be doing? Focus on the sixth seal can help alleviate these issues.

Crown Chakra
The seventh seal is the state of consciousness of enlightenment which is an experience masters throughout the ages have struggled to put words to due to the limited nature of language. It is an experience and words only point to the experience. Enlightenment is the awakening of the full potential of the human being; some say it has the power of immortality; others say it is a state of mind that is completely unlimited, not bound by time or space. The energy of an enlightened master is situated in the seventh seal, at the crown of the head. Are you... having trouble accepting something? feeling superior? hoping for a different outcome to something? Are your judgements based on facts? Do you feel a lack of enthusiasm to live your life? Focus on the seventh seal can help alleviate these issues.

Ok so that's what my research has provided me. I got this info from a variety if spots in the www. Great articles. This makes me happy and I intend to keep my life and energy in order. 

Another thing I plan to do in the near future is to post my "food journal" on as close of a daily basis as possible. Not just new recipes (but that will be the bonus!) but also I think to hold myself accountable to this lifestyle {NOT a diet} is to show everyone what I eat all day. Flubs and all. 

So starting today that's what I will do:

  • coffee with packet stevia in the raw and "so delicious" coconut creamer
  • Shakeology chocolate with unsweetened chocolate almond milk, frozen raspberries, chia seeds 

  • arugula salad tossed with lemon juice, topped with sliced beefsteak tomatoes and guacamole tuna {tuna mashed with minced garlic, white wine vinegar, lemon juice and avocado- similar to the "deviled avocado" recipe}, topped with chopped crispy bacon, chives and dill. *note: so SO good*
  • basil, lemon, and blueberry infused ice water 

  • 80/20 grass fed beef patty seasoned wth garlic and onion powder. Topped with one slice provolone {not strict Paleo} served with beefsteak tomato and white onion slices and on iceberg lettuce. I had relish and Dijon mustard on it too. 
  • sweet potato fries baked with coconut oil at 425 for 20 mins 
  • a tiny bit if Caesar salad {oops...totes not Paleo, but totes delish}
  • 1 glass Cabernet 

And on that note....goodnight moon! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


To all of those who follow me on Pinterest, I apologize for the insane number of #paleo pins I have pinned today. I need some serious inspiration in the diet department, so I'm going a little pin-crazy. {For those of you who don't follow me on Pinterest.... um, helloo... follow me!}

— feeling inspired.


lover of red bottom shoes, all that sparkles, and anything that i can eat.

Friday, May 2, 2014


I. am. Annoyed. 

How in the world, did I end up being the one that everyone comes to with their problems?!!?!! As if I have solutions, or care. I'm really not that nice, people. Like, really I'm not. I have no idea how this happened. I mean, I guess I try to be nice. I'm not really that good at it though. Apparently I need to stop even trying. 

Sorry my little blogger friends, I needed to get that out. I'm over it {for now} 

I'm excited for this weekend. Bachelorette party for my bestie best tomorrow night!! Woot woot. Can't wait to celebrate with her and all her favorite girlies. We will have such a fun night out on the town ~ dinner, drinks and dancing!! Hopefully my little tummy ache goes away by then... And I'm finally over my little plateau of not losing weight, and something tells me tomorrow night might change that again. Oh man!! Thankfully it will be fun. Pics to follow ;)

And now, I bring you a delightful Paleo dinner recipe I tried last night and even the Mister enjoyed! 

Recipe of the day

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday weekly weigh in

Woohoo!!!! -1.6 this week!! I'm now down 11.2 in total, so maybe I'll get this ball rolling again. 

4 months just about to the day until the wedding- there is no 31st in April- so I still have some time. If I can hit the 15 mark soon and then focus on the last pesky 5 lbs I think I'll be ok. 

But I guess I need to start working out. I say that every week, but I think I mean it this time. 


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And while we're on the topic of Youtube...

And also, if you haven't watched this- watch it. And make sure you're not drinking anything while watching because it may or may not come out your nose. And let's just say that's an educated guess.

Stress.. it's a keeler, sir.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, and in anticipation, I thought I would post a little post before my weekly weigh in goes up tomorrow AM {that is yet again, the only time I actually post- although I did post the deeeeelicious Easter Dessert recipe the other day!} 

Ok ok, y'all know I'm busy. I'm not going to bore you with the gory details of my never-ending-stressful life that consists solely of work and wedding plans. You know the drill, you get the picture. It's amazing that tt even wants to marry me these days, I'm such a horrible witch all the time. I'm worn down to the point where I think I'm getting sick. It could be allergies, it could be sickness, I don't know but either way I feel like garbage and am headachey and congested 24/7. Maybe it's the booze. But more than likely, it's the stress. It's a killer.

{not the part I wanted, but will do the trick
I just hope my sister sees this for the appreciation factor only she could have}

I still have managed to cook up some awesome dinners. My newest fave, though, is for lunch. That's right, lunch. It has flavors that make my tastebuds sing. It has healthy fat, it has protein galore AND the presentation is just adorbs. #checkitout

Recipe of the day

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Hump Day!

OMG- so.. I totally suck at updating!! I just realized my last update was a Wednesday Weekly Weigh-in BUT it was like two weeks ago.. #fail.  

So, I weighed in this morning- general consensus is... I need to stop allowing myself to use PMS as an excuse to eat whatever is put in front of me... i.e. Easter candy. Or the beautiful colored roasted potatoes SF and I made for Easter dinner for the royal fam {note: yes, I made sweet potatoes for myself.. and yes I still ate the other ones the minute they came out of the oven}. Or, the delightfully sweet, made-from-scratch carrot cake whoopie pies we made for dessert. Or the fact that I have eaten sushi twice in three days. Either that, or I just need to lay off the sauce. 

Ok now I know you're just itching for the recipes above. We also made Pistachio Crusted Rack of Lamb. Well, by "we" I mean my sister did.

But, you're gonna have to wait ;o) xo!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday weekly weigh in

Ok now it's time to get for serious. Last week after my gain, I was happy that it all evened out (and went down) as the days went on. Unfortunately, it didn't help me through the weekend because I'm back to where I started. Last week...! Not the actual beginning eek!

I blame it on the al-al-alco-alcohol. 
(Red wine to be specific. It was a stressful weekend. It's been a stressful week. I like wine.)

I had intended to start a Tue/Thu/Sat exercise regimen but with the amount I have been working and then the issues we have been having with the cable and internet that didn't start yesterday. Or today. There's always tomorrow- but it's the horrifying reality that I HAVE to work out in the morning. Which is what makes me hate it so. 

Will keep you updated Obvi. 
But this bridesmaid/bride/moh needs to get herself into shape...and fast. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

A little wedding rant

Wedding season has officially kicked off. 

I had joked going into 2014 that it would be non-stop and go-go-go all year. From start to finish, I wouldn't really stop until the holidays were over. In my head, I thought that I was overreacting, but let the words come out of my mouth. Little did I know that I would be jinxing myself into this actually being the case. 

On paper, I have five weddings this year, in four states. I'm in three, one of which is my own. In one, I am the Maid of Honor {technically I will be a matron by then}. Two happen to be over the same weekend. One, I won't make it to as it is six days after mine. The brides in my life have Memorial day, Labor day, and Columbus day weekends covered. 

So when I say wedding season has kicked off, it has kicked off with a vengeance. 

Starting next weekend with the first bridal shower, and ending in October with the last wedding, I will be essentially unavailable from now through then because I will be tied up with wedding-related activities, as a bride, maid of honor, bridesmaid, and guest. 

But don't for a second think that I am complaining. I am so thrilled and honored to be a part of these weddings this year, and obviously I am ecstatic to be planning my own. My besty doesn't know it but I cried when she asked me to be her MOH {it's a new development in her wedding planning, and I was just so excited I couldn't help the tears} -- It's such a happy time, and stressful time, and expensive time, and joyous time. I'm overridden with emotion. 

I also have so much left to do that it's not even funny. Yes, big stuff is done. Yes, we picked out and purchased our wedding bands. BUT- we still haven't picked a cake. We still haven't decided on any of the music. We still haven't finalized our invitations and stationary {although I'm hopefully in the final review stages, just waiting on the 6th proof I've asked for} We still have a lot to do. Eek!!! 

So, I guess I'll see ya when I see ya, and I apologize in advance that I probably won't be talking about anything that's not wedding related for the foreseeable future. I don't want to be one of those annoying brides, but when I'm this head first in weddings all year, I don't think it's 100% my fault. ;)

Recipe of the day

Crockpot Jerk Chicken

Friday, April 4, 2014

Paleo is my friend

So my weekly weigh in proved a gain, but overall I'm now down over 11lbs. And I'm somehow finding all these yummy things to eat!! Not sure how I'm going to pull off our cake tasting in a few weeks... But we shall see. 

Will get some more life updates over on the weekend between wedding plans and work!

Visit the recipe page for a new and exciting Paleo option for one of my all time faves!! 
{on the iPad it's not as easy for me to provide the links and stuff so you'll have to do a little work for this one hehe}

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday Weekly Weigh-in

Wellp, I'm disappointed to report I gained this past week. May have been to do with the three (four?) pieces of greasy, cheesy, basily and delightful pizza I literally gorged on Friday night. May be in part bc I am retaining water this week. Either way you dice it, my bloggy friends, I'm +1.8 and not proud. Hard work to follow to make up for that gross gain...maybe nows the time to stop saying I'm going to workout and actually work. out. 

Upside? I fit into my bridesmaid dress :)
Mission #1 accomplished. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, Monday...

No time these days. Had a very busy weekend. Oh, and remember that time we got a freak mini-blizzard on the last day of March?! SMH. And tonight I plan to pick out these G.D. invitations if it kills me! That being said, I'm a day late with my list-making and wanted to share my finds from last week, and plans for this week. Recipes to follow on those my good bloggy friends. 

Last week's recap and recipe links {gotsta give credit where credit is due!}
  • Turkey Stuffed Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes - Um.. SO good. Like, unexpectedly delightful. I'm really becoming a fan of the stuffed sweet potato. I have another one on the list for this week! Thanks PaleOMG! 
  • Chicken Sausage with Peppers and Onions over Spaghetti Squash - Loved this dish. There was a slight twist in the recipe which I didn't know how I'd feel about, but it gives it a definitive fresh flavor in comparison to the usually peppers and onions. Lexi makes a great call on this one! See if you can pick out the spice(s) that send this over the top!
This week's plan... 
  • Pizza Spaghetti Pie {by PaleOMG}
  • Thai Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes {yup... PaleOMG}
  • Jerk Chicken in the crock-pot with "rice" {finally using my jerk seasoning I brought back from Jamaica 'mon}
  • Bacon Jalapeño Egg Salad lettuce wraps {modified from PaleOMG, because she makes tasty breakfast sandwiches out of them, I'm going to do lettuce wraps because the paleo biscuits make me nervous.
And that's a wrap! Will post recipes and updates this week {hopefully}; my weekly weigh-in on Wednesday and let's cross our fingers that the wine + pizza fiasco that happened Friday night doesn't throw me too far back. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday Weigh-in

Well, because hump day is my weekly weigh-in day, I thought I would share my progress. Maybe that will be a little added motivation? Idk. 

I've been Paleo for three weeks now, and I'm down 9.6 pounds in that timeframe. Obviously I'm extremely pleased with the number of course {especially taking into account the few flubs I've had- ie St. Patricks Day weekend} but I also can't get over how I feel. It's quite incredible, actually. Eliminating processed foods, grains, and dairy has created a whole new Coleen. I have more energy, I'm rarely bloated, and I feel FANTASTIC! 

That is all
Happy hump day!!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Funday

Most weeks, Sunday Funday is made up of household chores, and planning out meals for the week. That's actually my favorite part. I have this nifty shopping list that also has a space down the left side that allows me to write out what I intend to make for dinner each night. I love searching through Pinterest, especially now, because there are so many great Paleo ideas out there! I'm loving the new culinary adventures each night. 

This week, I'm excited about a few things that I found. My favorite blogs to check out for recipes are paleOMG and Lexi's Clean Kitchen. Both girls are so entertaining, and their recipes fit my lifestyle and interests. This week, all the recipes minus dessert are from these two: 
  • My lunch for the week will be Cranberry Walnut Chicken Salad
  • Monday: Turkey Stuffed Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Tuesday: Chicken Sausage with Peppers and Onions over Spaghetti Squash
  • Wednesday: Herb roasted Salmon with veggies
  • Thursday: Shrimp Fra Diavlo with zucchini noodles

This week, I decided to also include a little sweet treat. I'm excited to try them out once they are done- although I need to remember that even though they are "Paleo" that doesn't mean I can eat the entire batch! 

Recipe of the day

No Bake Paleo Cookies

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ikea, diamonds, and a chopped salad

Today was quite the successful wedding day. 

We started our Saturday off by heading to that big warehouse of wonderful, encompassed by a large blue and yellow building. Also known as Ikea to the unfamiliar. As soon as I set foot inside, my heart started racing. I tried to hide it, but of course tt knew that I was getting anxious just by the way I was acting. It wasn't even nervous anxiety, just overwhelmed, I guess. I can't help it, it's just me. He picked me. {I reminded him.}

We walked through the 2nd floor, even though there was really no reason to. I just love doing that. Had I had more time and/or money, I would have bought everything- they have some great rooms staged right now, with new couches and patterns and all sorts of pretties. #notallowed #imonabudget

After a quick walk through, we scurried down the stairs, grabbed a cart, and got to it. {and yes of course the cart was next to impossible to push- isn't that a prerequisite for any cart at Ikea??} We had tasked ourselves with locating the following items for the wedding:
  1. Picture frames to act as our place cards and favors {4x6 so that when you print your photos from our "unboxed" photo booth, it creates a memory!}
  2. Baskets for our ever-so-nontraditional guestbook, to hold flip flops, and for the bathroom 911 items
  3. Vases for the greenhouse tables for cocktail hour
AND I am happy to report that we found all of the above. Not without a few snags along the way, when my dearest accountant mis-counted {twice} and after talking and re-talking about a few choices we ended up putting half the cart back and replacing it with another color. Sigh. But in the end, we left with 70 picture frames, 3 baskets, 1 woven bin, 4 lanterns and grey candles, and 9 tin flower pots. Score.

BORRBY Lantern for block candle IKEA Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Lantern {in white}
BYHOLMA Basket IKEA The basket is hand woven and therefore has a unique look.
Basket, multiple sizes

SOCKER Plant pot IKEA Galvanized for rust resistance.
Flower pot, for greenhouse centerpieces
Then we went to Nardelli's - and I got a salad. A SALAD?!?!?!?!!?? Yes, a salad. It was delicious, and within guidelines, but it was definitely NOT a half an Italian combo with everything, and I can't even pretend it was close. Sacrilege I tell you. #paleoproblems

Next up on the agenda? The jewelry store. Yup, that's right. Wedding band time!! This was obviously the most exciting part of the day, especially because it involved me putting all sorts of diamonds all over my finger. We picked out and bought our bands and it felt so great! tt's is amazing- it is 8mm with a combination of textures, and milgrain detail to match my engagement ring. My band is a double stack of diamond bands, so it appears to be two separate rings, but it's not. It's an updated version of the sets that go on either side of the engagement ring, which I also tried on, but it took away from how beautiful my ring is alone. The best part is that it doesn't match my engagement ring- so it's 100% me, because I never match anything! Perfection.

We left the jewelry store and figured, why stop now? So we went to the mall, and long story short, Macy's provided us with toasting flutes, a cake stand, and cake knife/server. {Sorry, you'll have to wait til the wedding to see these!!}

Needless to say, it was an expensive day, but such a happy one!! We are checking things off of our list constantly at this point, as the big day draws nearer and nearer... Weeeee! Ok, now off to watch the UCONN game with tt... Go Huskies!! 

Recipe of the day

Cauliflower "Rice" {Paleo}

Friday, March 21, 2014

Post Script

Like the blog-over? ;o)

Next up, I'm going to re-vamp my recipe list page. Just you wait for that!! xoxo

Bottle of red? Bottle of White?

How about both?! 

Is that bad? I 100% went to the liquor store on my way home... and I 100% bought four bottles of wine. Uh Yi Yi. I opened a bottle of red, and I'm so very happy about it. TGIF doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. 

I haven't worked a week like that in a long time. I didn't have time to eat. Which was quite unfortunate, because I'm thoroughly enjoying my Paleo diet. But seriously. I'm not even kidding. I didn't work less than 11 hours any day this week, and I think through the entire week I ate maybe four actual meals? It was sad. And frustrating. And downright exhausting. I literally didn't eat lunch most days because I didn't have time to stop. I kept myself going with Earl Grey and cashews. One day, I walked as fast as my stiletto heels would let me walk over to Robek's {deeelightful smoothie treats!} which is just down the street. I couldn't get myself the extra 2 blocks to Whole Foods for a salad. I ordered a dairy free Tropikale smoothie with a shot of soy protein. I got a large. It weight 5 lbs, wasn't totally Paleo, and cost me almost $10. It was delicious and worth it and actually gave me enough energy to make it through the day. 

In my line of work, busy is good. All of this insanity = money, and hopefully lots of it. I mean, we do have a wedding to pay for and all. But I also have a blog to keep up with! And a serious diet. And I'm in two other weddings this year. And I'd like to have a little life, and maybe be able to eat/sleep? It's hard to do all these things when also playing super recruiter. And yet... I love playing super recruiter! I got more done this week than I probably have in a month. I'd like some reprieve, but I also hope next week is just like this one!

I promise I will try to spend some more time here. I have a recipe from last week {sweet potato hash} that I need to get up, and lots of new recipes to try. 

Happy Weekending, my pretties!

Recipe of the day

Paleo Pad Thai

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Love/hate relationships

Hey y'all! Happy Daylight Savings Time! I have such a love/hate relationship going on with this change. First of all, I despise change. I am a creature of habit and I sure as hell don't like any blips in my schedule. DST 100% throws me for a loop- not only do I lose an hour of sleep {gross} but my internal clock is also all askew for like an entire week. I do, however, love that it means that the sun shines just a little bit longer {perhaps I will actually see the light of day before leaving the office} and that SPRING is almost sprung! See what I'm saying? Love/Hate. 

Spring is actually my second favorite season of the year. I love love love Fall more than anything, obviously can't stand Winter. Spring inches out Summer just barely- mostly because it is a glimmer of hope on the horizon as the long and cold Winter drags on. Here in New England, Winter definitely drags on {note: snow in the forecast pretty much all week?! Spring is only a few weeks away- mean ol' Mama Nature likes to play with us up here} 

Sooo, what's cookin' in your kitchen on this pretty little Sunday!? I've actually just spent pretty much the last hour-and-a-half on Pinterest loading up on ideas for the week and I'm getting ready to head out to Stop & Shop for a shopping adventure. I also totally have a love/hate relationship with the grocery store. For real- I get serious anxiety when I have to go food shopping. Especially now that I'm all cave-woman-like, it's a much longer shopping list and in turn, longer shopping trip. I forgot how expensive and how much of a pain in the neck it is to eat clean. As I have explained to the mister, real food costs much more than fake food. I'm ok with it. {check out my growing Paleo Pinterest Page

my shopping list

One of the biggest things about staying on track that I've found, is that I have a serious lust for new recipes and ideas. I am not the gal that can eat the same old grilled chicken and veggies day in and day out. If I'm not experimenting in the kitchen, then I will get bored and probably order a pizza. It's horrible, but true- my lack of willpower is a big part of why I have such a yo-yo problem. The good news is, that there are SO many recipes at my fingertips. Pinterest is my favorite place on earth- I have found so many wonderful blogs to follow from that site.

That all being said, I want to start posting each Sunday, with a list of my recipes for the week. I will provide the recipe information throughout the course of the week. Note: if I don't- and you see one you want to try, just email me. 

Breakfast: Egg cups made with arugula, diced red pepper, nitrate free bacon, and a cracked egg
Lunch: Kale and mixed greens salad with tuna and a garlic mustard vinaigrette
Snacks: Banana and natural PB; blueberries and raw cashews
Dinner: I found a bunch of Paleo recipes that I'm excited to try...
  • SUN- Herby Salmon with roasted veggies
  • MON- Chicken stir fry
  • TUE- Crock pot Beef Brisket
  • WED- Sweet Potato Hash with a fried egg
  • THU- Tilapia with mango salsa
  • FRI- Paleo Shepard's Pie

How amazing do all of these sound?! Will def edit this post and put up the salmon recipe later on - but for now, it's off to the races! 

recipe of the day 

had a slight change of plans...

shepard's pie {paleo-style}

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jamaican me crazy 'mon

What a crazy month it has been. Just got back from the Sales Incentive trip in Jamaica, which was unbelievable. We had a group of about 40 of us and I highly recommend the resort we stayed at: the Hilton Rose Hall in Montego Bay. Resort was beautiful, food was great, drinks were great, and a good time was had by all. We had perfect weather, with the exception of a few clips of rain in the evening, but that was just enough to cool it off slightly. We spent most of our time on the beach or by the swim-up bar in the pool. We did venture off into the city one afternoon as well. We went to Mobay Beach which is supposed to be the 2nd prettiest in Jamaica {second only to Negril, but that was almost 2 hours away which was entirely too far for our little afternoon jaunt}

{ps- if you're ever in Jamaica, mon, get a Hummingbird... rum cream, banana, red strawberry syrup, and heaven all blended into one delectable beverage. Oh- and a "Dirty Mexican" shot...which tastes like ice cream! It's rum cream, syrup and milk I believe}

I'm so very relaxed now- but now that vacation is over, life is going to just get busier... T-3 months until wedding #1, T-6 months until our big day, and just under 8 months until wedding #3 - zoinks. If vacation made me realize anything, it's that I need to get back on track with this whole "healthy" thing. I want to wear a bikini on our honeymoon!!

It's back to the races starting tomorrow... I'm going PALEO ~ well to the best of my ability... eating "clean" was the only success I've seen in my weight loss journey, when I started this blog and lost 17 lbs leading up to my 30th birthday. I allowed that weight to come back over the last 1.5 years, and I've had enough!! Stay tuned!! I promise to keep you posted with recipes, workouts and all my experiences as this new health kick gets underway... Ready.. set, GO!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

special delivery... beauty!

I love reading reviews on products before I try them. I may take it a little too far, but I really like to know what I'm buying before I buy it... especially when it comes to beauty products. 

I recently purchased two new Bliss products that I'm super excited about based on the reviews I read! My special delivery from Sephora arrived yesterday, sitting on my front step in the snow. I was so very excited to walk up to the door and find the box waiting for me. My new Anastasia brow brush, and the two new Bliss products including a lavender oil, green tea and oat extract pad for skin soothing after shaving, and a heat-up-when-you-apply salt scrub with lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary. Um, delightful. I can't wait to review them myself... I gotta feelin' they may end up on my list of most favorite things. 

Recipe is from earlier this week, when the mister decided he'd take it upon himself to make the misses dinner. {how did I get so G.D. lucky?!} -- tonight I'm making a roast with red potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms. Check back- assuming it turns out good, I'll get that recipe up hopefully tomorrow.

Smooches! xoxo

recipe of the day

Sweet + Spicy Basil Shrimp

Monday, February 3, 2014

recipe repost

I made these recipes for the big game yesterday, and I 100% recommend you do the same, like ASAP. 

There are additional notes in the comments of the recipes for your records. 

That is all.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Are you ready for some football?!!

Not exactly, not for me. I'm pretty excited about the food, though. Although it will be hectic this weekend, I can't allow for the Superbowl Super menu to suffer. And yes, it will only be me and tt, and yes we will have enough food to feed a small army. I'm 100% ok with this.

As per usual, I don't have much time- I was actually at work until 7:30pm, and came home to log on and work until now. Maybe I'll go do some yoga before I go to bed... I should shut down my computer and brain ASAP, but I wanted to get these exciting new recipes out to you, my patient and loyal readers. 

{Sidebar- have a great free yoga website if you are interested: - so far, I've only done a few but I am digging instructor Nicky's beginner vids}

Enjoy the Superbowl!! Is anything fun going on?!

recipe of the day

SkinnyMini Corndog Muffins

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Biteswith homemade "Skinny" Blue Cheese dressing

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I've got the eye of the tiger

Quick update, because honestly I'm too busy watching the Grammy's to be able to put in any effort to this, but feel it necessary that I update because it's been so long. Let's recap the last few weeks...


was awesome. Although it was cold, we had a great time. The conference was unreal. My girls won the "Team Excellence" award {as always} because we rock. And our weekend? Super relaxing.

Spa day

was even more awesome, and even more relaxing. I'm pretty much in love with the spa we chose, they had everything you could want and more. I started the day with meditation, had a Phytotherapy massage, with essential oils, and I haven't felt this great in I don't know how long. In addition, my second service was a mini-facial- my skin has been glowing since. Spent some serious time in both the sauna and steam rooms, and left feeling rejuvenated. Put a goal in front of us, and we will knock it out of the park. I freakin' love my job and love my team.

Wedding Plans

are moving along for me and for everyone. I picked out all my flowers on Thursday, which I am so excited about. They are going to be a beautiful combination of blues, peaches, and whites. Hydrangeas, roses, dahlias, and more. I can't even wait. 

We had a bridesmaids dinner for LG last night which was great. My dipsy doodle booked her honeymoon to Bora Bora {whoa baby} and I'm in the beginning stages of planning a fun and fancy grown-up bachelorette weekend for myself! 

I did realize, however, that these weddings are coming up, as is this trip to Jamaica in 5 weeks... gotta get my stuff together here and get back on track with this whole wedding diet thing. Tomorrow kick-starts again.

The fun is never-ending, kids. Stay tuned ;)

recipe of the day

Kale + Quinoa Superfood Salad