Friday, October 24, 2014

Review: beauty department

One of the best things about having a blog that only friends and family pay attention to is that I don't have to have a real focus. While obviously the focus is good primarily, I get to throw in beauty and fashion when i feel like it. I would like to provide a new "it list" for makeup I am loving right now and have a mini review of my go-to foundation 

(My current) Must haves 
- Makeup Forever HD foundation (with HD powder)
- NARS blush
- FAB triple duty eye remedy (w the cool to the touch applicator!)
- e.l.f. Eye widener white pencil 

Foundation tips:
- this is a full coverage foundation- for day  look I use a dampened sponge (I need a beauty blender- for now I use the triable sponges) 
- for a more full coverage look (ie for nighttime, or when I have DIY for weddings I've been in), I use a foundation brush. Way thicker application and more coverage. Love this application.

That's all I have for now. Visit the recipe page for a great paleo recipe! xx

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I have such a love/hate relationship with Sundays. Sunday is the day I plan all my meals for the week, which is always such an exciting activity. Sunday is also the day that I usually get to make the first dinner of the week, after eating out for a lot of the weekend. Sunday is also a day full of football. I personally could care less, but assuming things go well with whatever Fantasy Football players are doing their thing, the hubbs is happy on Sundays.

On the flip side, Sunday ends the weekend, and that is really a drag.

Either way, we had a nice relaxing weekend. Didn't really do much of anything, but that was ok since this week was crazy for him, working super late every night. I had an ok week, but a work event on Thursday night really kicked my butt, so I needed some quiet time. Got ourselves in order for the week, and I'm ready to start getting back on track!

Here's what's on the menu this week:
  • Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology {Chocolate Almond Milk, natural almond or peanut butter, and frozen bananas}
  • Lunch: Zucchini Stew {minus the potatoes} and/or leftover chili since I made that tonight
  • Dinner:
  1. Cajun Shrimp "noodle" bowls
  2. Pork and Sage Stuffed Apples
  3. Steaks with Rosemary roasted beets and carrots
Can't wait to share some of these new Paleo recipes with you!! Check out my very non-paleo experiment from yesterday, below! {Also, let me know what you think of the new page... I think I used to have this background and am not sure why I let her go. I think this is perfectly sassy and of course showing stilettos!} xo

Recipe of the Day

Banana Bread

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Things I've learned recently

Quick update because I'm not bringing my computer home tonight....

Things I've learned recently

The minute you're hitched, the baby questions start

My weekday iced coffee fix costs me almost a thousand dollars a year- for real

Sock buns are a girls best friend

I need lists to survive

People are crazy

Hard work gets you places

I am certain that my lost loved ones are out there floating around making sure I'm ok
{and they let us know they're there every once in a while}

Making dinner makes me happy, even if it's at 8:30pm

Just because it's the way you've always done it, or it's how it has always been, 
that doesn't mean it's working or the only way

I literally love getting manicures 
and don't feel "done" when my nails aren't professionally painted

Three letters: e.l.f.

Sometimes you have to put on your big girl pants and get over it

that's all. xoxo

Monday, October 13, 2014

She's baaaack

Hi my lovelies, I know you've missed me. And now, I'm back! And back with gusto. Whatever that means. 

Man, oh, man- the last few months have been just plain crazy... full of friends, family and FUN. Completely exhausting and yet exhilarating at the same time; a whirlwind but just so wonderful. I am ready for hibernation. And am so happy to have such special memories that are so full of love and happiness from the year. 

Now that the weddings are over, it's time to take back some control in my life and focus on my health (and enjoy some real time with my new hubby!). I'm going to tackle a Whole30- I have gotten so far away from clean eating, and my body feels it. It's amazing how much your body is affected by outside sources such as chemicals, processed foods, sugar. No, it's not easy to eat clean 100% of the time, but since going to Grenada and being wooed by the amazing meals prepared at Sandals, I haven't been able to jump back on the wagon. Well, it's happening now! That being said, I promise to have a lot of new and healthy recipes to post about that are Paleo/Whole30 approved! I did try a new one this past week, which was delightful. Check it out! 

Recipe of the Day

Apple Bison Burger Salad