Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweating for the wedding

I have so much to share, I just can't seem to find the time! I am starting {...starting?} to get really overwhelmed with life. Wedding plans are coming along ok, but I forgot how much goes into this. Once you check one thing off the list, another five pop up out of nowhere. When one thing goes right, another sixteen things go wrong. We're getting there, slowly but surely, but I'm running out of time! I'm trying to stay positive, despite the hiccups. And sane. I'm trying really hard to stay sane. I think I need to be medicated. No really. 

Currently, we are working to get the invitations printed this week {wee!!!} and trying to finalize the ceremony order and vows. We met with our Officiant over the weekend and he gave us an idea of what he does for the ceremony which is great, but we need to add in readings and the whole Unity Candle Ceremony. Then I need to get my programs ordered. Most of the music has been chosen. Hmm, what else. We need to pick up tt's ring, potentially bring mine back in to be sized, and decide if we are engraving. I just bought a new veil, because I seriously have problems. I'm now also second guessing the jewelry I bought. He seriously might kill me before we even make it to the wedding.

Remember that time I said I think I need to be medicated? I think I need to be medicated and my passwords for Etsy and Paypal need to be changed. Oh, and Pinterest while you're at it. 

Recipe of the day