Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I'm thankful for YOU!

November. The month to realize all of the things you are thankful for, and then celebrate them with friends and family. I, like many people, like to think of 30 things I am thankful for, for the 30 days of this glorious month in which I was also born. This year, I forgot.. so I'll go halfsies. I am thankful...

  1. For TT obviously. Words cant describe how lucky I am that he picked me, and I am reminded and in awe of him every day.
  2. That we are blessed with the ability and means to be building a home together that will house our family, always be open to friends, and celebrate many holidays to come. I don't ever want to take what we have for granted.
  3. For my family. I am so lucky to have parents who have always been supportive of me and have let me live my life. I think its because they know they did a good job in making me the woman I am.
  4. For my sister. She is my best friend and confidante. She is someone that I trust with my life and I am so thankful for her. I think I am even more appreciative of her now that I don't see her a lot and I am so proud of who she is and the decisions she has made. They have not been easy ones. She is absolutely amazing.
  5. For Princess Cecelia Jasmine. She is the light of our lives and one of my most favorite people.
  6. For my friends. I am so lucky to be able to call a few select people my best friends. They know who they are, and I know that no matter what time of day I can call and they are there.
  7. That I have been granted the ability to see that in life you are better off having a few best friends, than a lot of half-way friends. I have had plenty of half-way friends and am thankful for the different perspective I have i I my 30s than I had in my 20s. Its much less toxic.
  8. For my in laws. I don't know very many people who have the perfect in laws. But I have so many things in my life to thank them for and be thankful for because of them. They brought up a man that is respectful, hard working, and genuine. There isn't much more I could ask for.
  9. For the health of all of the people I have mentioned above. We are getting older and we take our health and the health of those around us for granted sometimes. I need to be better about that.
  10. For my job. I have a job I love, which not many can claim. TT and I both have jobs that provide us with many luxuries that others don't have and I am so thankful that I stumbled into such a great company that gave me this career 11 years ago.
  11. And proud to be an American. {PLEASE no comments from the peanut gallery on this one. We're all friends here}
  12. For food. Both that we have food on our table and that I am halfway decent at cooking it. And that my husband bakes so I don't have to.
  13. For my coaches and my gym. No matter how long I'm away, I know I can come back. Might get razzed a little when I miss too long, but its all in good fun. I have never had an interest in exercise but I never found the right motivation. I love the feeling of being healthy and strong. And they help me every day. And lets face it, now I can eat more of the aforementioned food.
  14. That this Season is upon us. Thanksgiving is the start of the most wonderful time of the year. We can reflect on the wonders of this life; reflect on the good, bad and ugly of the year we are letting go, and plan for the year to come and what we will make of it. I just know that 2017 will be a very exciting year for us.
  15. Last but not least, very much for dirty martinis. {come on, I couldn't be 100% serious}

Now, I clearly know how truly blessed I am and have so very much to be thankful for. That being said, however, November is also the month to realize that the insanity of this glorious season is about to kick in. I'm already head first in it.

I am so excited to be hosting my first thanksgiving this year and having my in laws over for this celebratory meal. I have been working hard to plan a menu that is traditional for them {and for TT because he doesn't always appreciate my creativity in the kitchen} but want to make it my own. I have a few things up my sleeve, but one dish that will remain in the T family tradition is my FIL's mother's stuffing. I tweaked it ever so slightly because traditionally it went in the bird, but I will be making it an extra special way -- in the CROCK POT!!! {say whaaaaa}

Oh yes. Click on the link at the bottom for that amazing recipe. And yes crock pot stuffing is a thing! And it works! And you can use any stuffing recipe you like! Wee! I think I am most thankful for THAT!

What are YOU thankful for this year?

▽ ROTD ▽
Grandma Martone's Stuffing

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Anxiety, The Princess Bride, and Positive Affrmations

With all that has been going on in my life, my anxiety levels have actually been at a major maximum lately. I think its mostly work and the house, but I need some reprieve that doesnt involve me having to rely on the two Rx I have. I like having them in case of emergency, but I really want to find an alternative way to manage this, since it is pretty much a way of life for me, with no real rhyme or reason as to why, and with no end in sight.

Recently I stumbled upon a blog run by a fitness and wellness coach for women. The post that popped up {a page I follow on FB Girls Gone Strong, had liked it which streamed to my newsfeed} intrigued me. When it comes to blogging, its all about the title. You need to capture your audience in that moment in order to steer them towards your little slice of the web {I really need to get better at this game} and so when I noticed a title that was a quote from my favorite movie of all time, I clicked on it automatically without even reading what the post was about. Girl am I glad I did.

This link led me to a woman named Neghar Fonooni. She is a coach, mentor, personal trainer, and focuses her efforts on women.  What really got me after I clicked on the link to this particular blog post, was that without even knowing it, I was stumbling upon something I needed. The post was about journaling, which again I didn't even kno when I saw the word "Vizzini" and autopilot made me click there. She speaks about the benefits that putting your thoughts and feelings and emotions on paper can provide you; she speaks about self awareness, and that sometimes its not easy. Not exactly the type of blog I would normally follow or read and definitely not what I expected after clicking on the link, but really it made sense. It spoke to me in a way that doesnt happen often. Vizzini said go back to the beginning... so go back to the beginning we go.

Ultimately, as I read more and took what I needed from her words, I realized that I was reading a routine about calming yourself down, creating more productivity, and lessening feelings of being overwhelmed or anxious. Um- my life.

Long story short, I have a plan that will be a new morning routine that will hopefully do the above.

  1. Wake up and drink my ACV tonic {I will need to wake approximately 20 minutes earlier going forward to allow for my new morning routine}
  2. Journal/check-in {I am using the format that Neghar suggests, but will tweak accordingly if needed. This includes physical and emotional check in, actions related to those, intentions, and gratitude}
  3. AM Yoga routine {and/or breathing exercises, and/or meditation}
  4. Shower and pretty
  5. Begin each day with a purpose: I am going to have a weekly mantra/positive affirmation that I remind myself of every morning. 

This journal will include raw feelings. It will be hard to get onto paper and to share it even if only with myself. I will share my progress with you all, and from time to time pieces of the journey. My first affirmation will be: Interrupt anxiety with gratitude. Which I will remind myself of each day this week.

What do you do to keep your inner self at peace? Do you struggle with anxiety? Lets try this together!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

fall, construction + a new routine

My friends, I return. Again. Hopefully this time for good. I've missed you and I've missed this little slice of the www. 

It has been too long for me to try to recap my life over the last {year?} and really, I know you're just wanting a new recipe. 

Let's start fresh. It's 2016. It's fall. It's #allpumpkinerrythang. I am here, healthier, and happy about it.

Fall in New England: I don't know where it is that you call home, but in my little tiny state, fall is really the best. I had a girlfriend relocate to the south and as much as I have always dreamed about moving out of this area, I would miss the changing of the seasons, especially summer into fall. Leaf peeping, beer/food festivals, tailgating at college football games. Flannel shirts, boots and leggings, and PSLs. Chili! It's really the best.

Construction: So speaking of not moving south... we aren't. Because....... it's official! Lot #75 is officially our little piece of this earth. Stay tuned for progress updates on that, as I likely won't be boring the FB world with them. But at least I know if you read this you may care a little more than the casual news feed skim.☺ We break ground hopefully within a week and in six short months we will have a home to call our very own. Squeeeee I am so excited.

A NEW-ish Routine: since February, I have started a new fitness journey. I joined a gym! I know- I still barely believe it either. But I love it. The coaches are amazing, they know their stuff. They push just enough and know how to motivate people to be their best selves. With their help, I successfully lost 19 lbs in 5 months, I feel stronger, I look leaner. The feeling is really indescribable. I have been weighing myself but the real progress is in the pictures I am using to track. Eventually I will share them with the world, but I'm not ready for that yet. I started at my heaviest and those pictures are pretty personal to me.

The last two months have been pretty hectic for me, and I haven't gotten there nearly as much as I would like, and I can feel it. I'm antsy. I can't sleep. I feel "soft" and I don't like it. They run 5 week sessions: 4 weeks on, all the same classes with progressing intensity, and then 1 week "off" for recovery, where they run workshops and stretching classes. This is recovery week, which I unfortunately had little to recover from. I am so excited to get back there on Monday and get back to what I have set out to do! I don't really have a goal weight, but I know that if I go regularly and stay on track with my eating habits, I will be successful.

This little bloggy blog will help with my accountability. I'm so happy for your continued support. Any questions/comments/suggestions/complaints, comment below! Muah!


Spaghetti Squash with Pumpkin Marinara

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It all starts here

Hi Chicklets, hope your 2016 is off to a great start!

I'm sitting here, recipe book open, fit bit charging, meal-prepping for what feels like a mini apocalypse. I, along with everyone else in the United States who isn't already on the "Get fit" bandwagon, will be taking the leap, and promptly holding on for dear life beginning tomorrow. While I'm super excited to get back at it, I'm also experiencing that feeling of dread that everyone feels on the Sunday before they hit the re-start button. 

I've had quite the up and down last few years - throwing myself 100% into a Paleo diet leading up to my 30th, and then going on a downward spiral and yo-yo-ing ever since then. The difference as I am getting older, is I feel older. I feel fat. And I don't say that because I want you to say "oh no, sweetie, you're not fat" -- I say it because my body is telling me that it's time to do something about it. I'm tired of waking up and everything hurts. I'm tired of my stomach being topsy/turvy. I'm tired of getting winded when I'm having a conversation with someone, let alone walking up stairs - fageddabatit. 

This isn't a resolution, it's a promise to myself. I know I can be successful when I put my mind to it. I'm successful at a lot of things, and it's time to start putting my health and wellness at the forefront, so that I can enjoy the life tt and I are working so hard to provide for each other and ourselves. 

And with that, my week:

Upon rising:
25 Jumping Jacks to get my blood flowing, and a morning Yoga sequence
Cranberry ACV energy drink = 4 oz Cranberry Juice + 2 Tbl ACV + Juice of 1/2 lemon + sqidge of honey + water {combine in a mason jar, shake shake shake as you dance around your kitchen, drink up}
Coffee, duh = Unsweetened Almond Milk + Stevia

Protein Blast Smoothie = Greenberry Shakeology + Spinach +.Banana + Water {blend up with ice, internal race to finish smoothie before I get to work without getting brain freeze}


Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Spaghetti Squash with Pumpkin Marinara Sauce 
{stay tuned for these two NEW recipes!! Coming this week on the blog!}

I am committing myself to do three of the TIU workouts this week, along with taking at least one walk around the block with Cecelia.

Before bed:
5 Minute Yoga Sequence for bedtime
Vitamins = Magnesium + Malic Acid + Probiotic + Fish Oil + Vitamin D + Biotin + MultiV