Now, that's a loaded question if I ever heard one. For me, right now, it's full of receipts. Particularly from Target. And now comes confession time...
When I have somewhere to go {cue: Marathon Monday} and I need an outfit {um, hello, change of seasons} I can't stop until I get enough. My sister shares this weird OCD-like symptom with me, as does she share much of my cRaZy. The saddest part is that I literally have been losing sleep about this.
- Trip last night included salmon boyfriend chinos, a sleeveless shirt, and white shrug sweater {debit}
- Got home, hated it all. Actually, that's a lie. I liked the pants, but the juniors size did not like me. Returned to the store, returned the clothes {credit}
- Re-entered the juniors section and perused. Picked the next size up of the pants, found a denim blazer, 2 dresses, and a pair of flats-weird, I know. Tried everything on, bought everything in my cart {debit}
- Got to the house, and started trying things on again... was shocked into the reality that the pants are WAY too small (did I expand in the 5 minutes that it took me to get from Target to my house? No, I am just STILL too curvy to wear juniors pants) and I then determined that I hate the denim blazer. {credit pending}
- The good news is, I have 2 outfits that I am currently between, and a pair of ab-fab flats that I am just abslutely psyched about. Score!
Outfit 1- A grey jersey maxi dress with my white cotton cropped jacket. Love this dress, it literally feels like you are wrapped in jersey sheets straight out of the dryer. I have this great spring jacket- structured, 3/4 sleeves, and crisp white cotton.
Outfit 2- A pink polka-dotted hi-lo (although the high is on the sides- super cute!) with a jean jacket. A little more cutesy, not quite as comfy. And of course, I can't find a picture of it. Trust me, it's girly and flirty and peachy-keen. Forecast says 60 and sunny, so either way I think I'm good.
Either way, regardless of outfit, I am definitely wearing these babies:
and yes I realize I will be mixing patterns. Do I care? Really? Do I?
And now, Tuesday is over... and it's on to HUMP is home and it's time for some QT before bed! xoXO
Recipe of the Day:
Laugh much, cook often, and always wear stilettos
xoXO ~ Coleen

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