Friday, September 6, 2013

Just loving fall fashion

I am not a fashion blogger, I am a wanna-be food blogger. BUT the fashionista locked inside of me cannot get enough of the leggings I just bought. {note: these were not purchased by accident} 

I fully intend on living in leggings for the foreseeable future. Having made that decision, I came to realize I didn't have these staples overwhelming my drawers. I do have two pairs but one is a cropped style and they're somewhat baggy; the other is a weird gray color that has faded where my fat thighs rub together. Gross... sorry for that mental image. This all being said, I decided that I needed to fix this missing piece to my fall wardrobe puzzle. 

I happened to be on the NY&Co website and realized that for Labor Day, all their pants were.. wait for it.. BOGO. Um, what?! I was able to resist the urge to buy every pair ::Phew:: but I did peruse the casual section and came across these leggings. They are technically yoga pants, so they have a wider waist band the way that yoga pants typically do- but they don't fold over. I am loving the way that they fit. I just got them delivered today- two pairs of black and both a light and a dark grey {4 pairs for only $50 bucks... can't beat that deal- wish they had more colors!} They don't cut me off at the waist the way that most leggings do. Hell, most pants do that. I wish I could wear them every minute of every day.

That is all. Just thought I would share. They're not BOGO anymore, but still a great value at $25ea. Just think about how absolutely F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. they will look with my new boots. Now, I just need some new sweaters... Follow my Fashionista board on Pinterest. 

Auf Wiedersehen, meinen lieben... sei ganz lieb umarmt. xo

Recipe of the day

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