Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Accidental boots, wedding plans, and real life

Things to discuss:
  1. I just bought a pair of boots without meaning to
  2. The fact that my wedding is only a year away
  3. Detox and real life diet/exercise plan
Ok. I know I have been a major blogging let down these days. I also know that I can't use this wedding thing as an excuse forever. I can say that we have been planning our little butts off, and have so much done so far that it's not even funny. Which lets me have some time tonight to grace you with my web presence, and I am excited to share this fab new picture of me and the hubby-bubby from this weekend at the track with the sister friend for her magic birthday! {if you just ignore my elephant arm}

  1. I am so happy about this, even though I 100% didn't mean to buy them. I was browsing on www.shoedazzle.com and looking at boots. {YAY- I love love LOVE Fall.} And honestly, I had added them into my shopping bag, because that's what I always do. I browse online, add a bunch of stuff to my virtual bag, and then delete them all and move on. Somehow, I clicked on place order. There was nowhere to add in my credit card information {because of course, it's already on file} and there was no confirmation page. I was immediately routed to a page that said: Thank you for shopping with us, your order should arrive in 4-5 business days. oopsies. When they come in I will make my decision on if I keep them or not. I'm sure if Mr. T has anything to say about this, they will be going back to where they came from. 
  2. So, this past weekend was Labor Day, as everyone knows. And while we all loved the long weekend and all it stands for, it has a new meaning to us here in the 2bTx2 household. Next year, the wedding will fall on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend! I can't even believe we are inside a year! We're talking 362 days, people! Eek! As I said above, we have been planning our little butts off. Well, I have anyway... I haven't been able to stop. Apparel is done: I said YES to the dress, picked/ordered tt's suit, ordered the MOH dress, picked the shoes, I even got tt's socks already. Chose our wedding bands {I think}, and booked our honeymoon. I'm almost decided on centerpieces, found flowers that I like on Pinterest... really, what else is left?! Zoinks. 
  3. So, in it being a holiday weekend and everything, I am finding myself feeling a bit over indulgent, and large. Realizing also that I have one year til' the big day, I decided that it really is time to kick it in high gear. I talk a big game about being healthy, and exercising, and losing weight and all, but I'm really ready to hunker down. I am starting the year kick-off with a 2-day detox {which I am almost done with Day 1 and am so happy to be halfway done} and then am going to rely on the internet for great recipes and my friends, family and loved ones to motivate me to keep going. I want to be the skinniest I have been as an adult on my wedding day ~ which I totally think is doable, but it will take some real effort, obviously. I'm hoping for 20-30 pounds. In a year, that should be a totally attainable goal. Can I do it? I stay tuned to find out.... 
Side note: a new exercise goal/challenge I am giving myself is to do this every single day, twice a day, on top of my regular work-out routine that I am getting into: 30 jumping jacks | 20 scrunches | 10 squats | 5 pushups

Recipe of the Day

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