Friday, August 16, 2019

Hello - Ciao - Hiya - Hi.

After a {not-so} brief hiatus, I am back and ready for action. As always, there have been many a thing going on in my life.

Y'all, I haven't given you a new recipe in like three years. And haven't really talked to you at all in that amount of time. I just went back and read some of my posts and realized also that every time I announce my return, I disappear just as quickly. Every time I announce my return, I also announce that I have started some new {health/fitness/something} and I will tell you that behind the scenes, that disappears just as quickly also. How big of a bummer is that!?

Now that I'm home full time with our daughter, I want to try to make this into something when I have the time to. So I want to be better for you. I want to give you content that you want. Do you like the recipes? do you want more lifestyle things? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Comment here - comment on the 'gram (@skinnyinstilettos) - email me.

I know a little bit about a lot of things, so I want this to be a space that provides knowledge. And tips/tricks. And where we can share for a love all of my favorite F words: food, family, fitness, fashion, and fun! And I want anyone who is out there reading to actually enjoy it. Selfishly, if I am investing time in it, I want it to be for a reason - for YOU!

In the meantime, I'll get back to cranking out some recipes. Making things my own. And trying to remember to take pictures along the way ;)

And don't forget to check out my recipe of the day:

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