Monday, October 1, 2012

Teenage Wasteland

Do you ever feel as if you are back in high school? As if you are stuck inside (or outside) the "mean girl" clique? As if everyone around you is a 15 year old girl? It is so sad, but true, that one never actually leaves high school. You end up in a different group, sometimes with slightly different priorities (I suppose I am not quite as "boy crazy" as I was when I was 15), but the same environment nevertheless.
I have a few proclamations.
  1. I have 1 month until the big 3-0 and I have officially lost 15 lbs. (woo!) - will I actually make it to 30? I am not sure. But either way, I have learned a lot about myself, healthy living, and fitness, and hope that I have a life-style change ahead of me.
  2. I am SO super-dee-duper proud of my girl Stan. She is putting her big 3-0 plan into action too!!
  3. I love my boyfriend. (ok, nothing new, but had to get it out there because let's face it, he's awesome)
  4. I still hate football (but eating chili while watching football makes it somewhat tolerable)
  5. Nothing is worse than bringing work home on a Monday night, so I am blogging instead.
It's actually really unfortunate I don't have anything witty to say on a Monday night. Even my proclamations aren't all that exciting. Maybe today's recipe will suffice. Check it out~!
Recipe of the day:
Miss Coleen's Cheater Turkey Chili

1 comment:

  1. Ever single day I feel like I'm back in hs, I totallly sympathize. I'm so proud of the 15, remember it's just as important to look at how far you've come and 15 is a big deal! Keep rocking it, stop working so much, and remember to treat yourself for the 3-0.

    xo Stan
