Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday things

What's on hand?
What do you always have on-hand in your fridge? IE what dinner can you make when you haven't gone to the market ?! I know, I know, good clean-and-healthy-eaters always meal prep and shop for the upcoming week. But when you don't feel like it... what food do you typically have in the house? Me, I made a Shakeology shake {with frozen banana, chia seeds, and almond butter} but then decided I didn't want it. Meh- throw it in the fridge for later. 

Then I realized among the few things I have in my fridge, I have arugula, a big fat beef steak tomato, 2 pieces of bacon, and dijon mustard. What did I do with this, you ask? I whisked together the mustard with red wine vinegar and a little olive oil. Drizzled that on the arugula, then sliced my big tomato, sprinkled that with Sunny Paris, chopped up bacon, and VOILA. Quick and easy-peasy. And even Paleo. {Haven't tried Sunny Paris? O.M.G. Penzey's knows what to do. This spice is hand-mixed from: shallots, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, basil, tarragon, chervil, bay leaf, and a little bit of heaven}

Tuesday Blues
Do you ever have "Tuesday Blues" ??? I honestly thing I dislike Tuesdays more than I dislike Mondays. Well today, on this Tuesday July 8th 2014, I found the solution to the Tuesday Blues. A lunchtime manicure! This also provides relief for: bride/maid of honor anxiety, eating unhealthy at lunch {just grab a grande, unsweet, iced green tea and granola bar from Starbucks}, and quite possibly is the best lunch break ever. Hot pink with a little sparkle. Girly girl to the max. 

The {vacation} aftermath
Maybe this is contributing to my blues, but last week was our annual July 4th extravaganza in Maine. We change, but the peaceful, beautiful place that is Owls Head remains the same year after year. Our group has shifted from the crazy punk kids we used to be, to bringing the crazy punk kids that my friends have managed to make. 
Aftermath = Auntie is exhausted. 

Wedding Update
  • RSVP's are coming in by the day. We are up to 65 yes's; 4 no's; and still a bunch pending. 
  • tt's stag is next weekend, as is my first dress fitting {weeeeee}
  • Next up to plan: finalize rehearsal dinner menu, order programs, and some other random things
  • Finally got my 4-somethings squared away! {Old = my Nan's wedding ring©; New = my wedding gown; Borrowed = LG's garter from her wedding I was in a month ago; Blue = my "Something Blue" Manolo Blahniks, of course}
  • Down to the wire, under 2 months to go! But still plenty on the horizon... anxiety is on a whole new level. Especially since I'm concurrently working on my BFF's shower which is in 3 weeks. Eek. 

And I think that concludes Tuesday Things. And my monthly post. xoxo